Jessica Coon – colloquium talks

Jessica Coon presented her work on "Syntactic Ergativity in Q'anjob'al" this past Friday at Carleton University. She also presented this work earlier this...
February 13, 2012

McGill at the LSA

McGill was represented at this year's LSA Annual Meeting, held in Portland, Oregon this past weekend: Charles Boberg presented "Regional variants of the...
January 9, 2012

Bale colloquium at Brown

Last week Mcgill Faculty Lecturer Alan Bale gave an invited talk in the Colloquium Series at Brown University. The presentation was titled: Adjectives...
December 12, 2011

Grodzinsky to present in Jerusalem

Yosef Grodzinsky will be giving two presentations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in December, one in the newly formed Experimental Syntax and...
December 12, 2011

Coon and Travis to present at MIT Conference

Jessica Coon and Lisa Travis will each be presenting work at 50 Years of Linguistics at MIT, which will take place at MIT...
December 5, 2011

Wagner to attend Masayuki Gibson’s defense at Cornell

Michael Wagner will travel to Cornell University this week for the dissertation defense of Masayuki Gibson. The defense, titled "A Rise Is Not...
December 5, 2011

Ottawa Conference on Sources of Individual Linguistic Differences

Charles Boberg is an invited speaker at the Conference on Sources of Individual Linguistic Differences, which will take place at the University of...
November 28, 2011

Buccola, Hamilton, and Schwarz paper accepted

A collaborative paper by Brian Buccola, Mike Hamilton, and Bernhard Schwarz, titled "Two Types of Class B Numeral Modifiers: a Reply to Nouwen 2010", was...
November 28, 2011