McGill linguistics will be well-represented at two upcoming conferences. Recent McGill post-doc Sara Mackenzie (MUN), recent BA Erin Olson, together with faculty members Meghan Clayards and Michael Wagner, will jointly present a poster titled “The role of allophonic variation in speech segmentation” at LabPhon later this month at the University of Stuttgart in Germany.
Then, at AMLaP (Architecture and Mechanisms for Language Processing) 2012, to take place in Italy in September, there will be two more presentations involving McGill lab members. Meghan Clayards, Sarah Hawkins and Gareth Gaskell will give a talk: “Listeners decode acoustic-phonetic cues to morphological structure”. David Fleischer, Thea Knowles, Jacks Cheng, Michael Wagner and Meghan Clayards will also present a poster: “Syntactic Effects on Compensation for Assimilation”.
Happy travels!