Undergraduate news
McGill at Ba-TOM 1
Students from the Winter 2022 Linguistic Field Methods class traveled to Toronto later this week to present their work on Kirundi at the...
May 24, 2022
Yuzhou Yan @ CULC16
Yuzhou Yan (Honours Linguistics/Major Computer Science) presented on part of his honours thesis work at the 16th annual Cornell Undergraduate Linguistics Colloquium (CULC16, hybrid format), April...
April 25, 2022
McGill @ AFLA 28
The 28th annual meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA 28) took place virtually last week, hosted by McGill University and National...
May 31, 2021
Wagner, Iturralde Zurita, and Zhang at CUNY Sentence Processing Conference
Michael, Alvaro (SCSD), and Sijia presented their work on rhythm typology at CUNY this week: Wagner, Michael, Alvaro Iturralde Zurita, and Sijia Zhang...
March 8, 2021
Xia, White, and Guzzo in Second Language Research
Vera Yunxiao Xia (BA '18), Lydia White and Natália Brambatti Guzzo's article "Intervention in relative clauses: Effects of relativized minimality on L2 representation...
August 31, 2020
Marielle Côté-Gendreau receives American Name Society Emerging Scholar Award
Congratulations to McGill BA student, Marielle Côté-Gendreau, who was recently awarded the American Name Society Emerging Scholar Award, which recognizes "outstanding scholarship of a...
January 13, 2020
2019 student awards
We are pleased to announce the winners of our graduate and undergraduate student awards. Graduate award winner: Jurij Bozic (Lara Riente Memorial Prize) Undergraduate...
May 27, 2019
End-of-year news
Paulina Elias (BA '18) will begin the masters program in Speech Language Pathology at Western University. Masashi Harada will present a poster at...
May 27, 2019
Parameters Workshop
The Parameters Workshop in Honour of Lisa Travis took place Friday and Saturday last week at Thomson House, and included a number of...
May 21, 2019
McGill at CUNY 2019 Conference on Human Sentence Processing
Graham Adachi-Kriege, Greg Theos, (both undergraduate researchers working with Tim) and Vanna Willerton presented their posters at the CUNY 2019 Conference on Human Sentence Processing...
April 8, 2019
McGill Undergraduate Research Event, 1/14
The Annual Faculty of Arts Undergraduate Research Event will take place this evening, January 14th at 5pm in Leacock room 232. Students who...
January 14, 2019
McGill at CLAUSE
The 2017 Canadian Linguistics Annual Undergraduate Symposium (CLAUSE̥) took place this past weekend at Concordia University. Talks by McGill linguists included: Teresa Addo...
April 10, 2017