WSCLA 26 to be hosted at McGill, April 28–30 2023

McGill Linguistics will host the 26th edition of the Workshop on Structure and Constituency of Languages of the Americas (WSCLA), scheduled for April...
September 16, 2022

James Crippen at “Sharing Our Knowledge / Wooshteen Kanax̱tulaneegí Haa At Wuskóowu”

Professor James A. Crippen presented a talk titled Ḵaachx̱an.áakʼw X̱ʼéidáx̱: Some Dialect Features Of Wrangell Tlingit, detailing some distinctive dialect features of the undocumented...
September 10, 2022

Tanner, Sonderegger, & Stuart-Smith “Best Paper” at NAACL 2022

James Tanner (PhD '20), Morgan Sonderegger and Jane Stuart-Smith presented "Multidimensional acoustic variation in vowels across English dialects" at the SIGMORPHON 2022 workshop at NAACL 2022, which won the workshop's Best...
September 5, 2022

McGill at LabPhon 18

LabPhon 18 was held virtually June 22-25.  There were several presentations by department members: Gwen Brekelmans, Nadine Lavan, Haruka Saito, Meghan Clayards and Elizabeth Wonnacott --...
September 5, 2022

MCQLL Summer News

Former MCQLL MA student (2021), Emily Goodwin traveled to ACL 2022 in Dublin, Ireland to present her paper Compositional Generalization in Dependency Parsing,...
September 5, 2022

Eurosla 31 update

As reported in a recent post, Lydia White, Heather Goad, Gui Garcia (PhD 2017), Natália Guzzo (post-doc 2016-2019), Liz Smeets (PhD 2020) and Jiajia Su (PhD 2019) presented a paper ('Effects of stress on...
August 29, 2022

AFLA 28 proceedings

The proceedings of the 28th annual meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA 28), co-hosted by McGill University and National University of...
August 27, 2022

White, Goad, Garcia, Guzzo, Smeets, and Su at EuroSLA and GASLA

Lydia White, Heather Goad, Gui Garcia (PhD 2017), Natália Guzzo (post-doc 2016-2019), Liz Smeets (PhD 2020) and Jiajia Su (PhD 2019) presented two collaborative papers...
August 22, 2022

Coon and Martinović at Workshop on Copular Sentences

Jessica Coon and Martina Martinović each presented work at the Workshop on Copular Sentences Across Languages, held in Paris in June. Jessica's talk was "Agreement...
August 22, 2022

McGill @ CLA 2022

McGill linguists presented at this year's Canadian Linguistics Association (CLA) annual meeting, held virtually June 1st–4th. Presenters included: Terrance Gatchalian – The composition...
June 6, 2022

Mathieu Paillé at Workshop on Part-Whole Structures

PhD student Mathieu Paillé gave a talk entitled "Inclusion of parts, or exclusion of predicates: Comparing two exhaustivity accounts of homogeneity" at the Workshop...
May 28, 2022

Laurestine Bradford at Cogsci 2022

PhD student Laurestine Bradford will present her Master's project work as a flash talk at the 44th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society...
May 28, 2022