Student news
Conferences round-up
This was a busy weekend of conferences for McGill students. First year student Gretchen McCulloch traveled to Oklahoma to present her work on...
April 16, 2012
Ling-Tea 4/11 – Jozina Vander Klok
In this week's Ling-Tea Jozina Vander Klok will give a practice presentation for the upcoming modality workshop at the University of Ottawa, to...
April 9, 2012
Ling-Tea 4/4 – Sasha Simonenko
Please join us this week for Ling-Tea, where Sasha Simonenko will give a practice talk for her upcoming presentation at WCCFL. When: Wednesday...
April 2, 2012
Syntax-semantics group 3/26 – Alanah McKillen
Presenter: Alanah McKillen What: ACD and quantifier scope When: Monday, March 26 3:00-4:30 pm Where: Linguistics 117
March 26, 2012
Mi’gmaq project report
The current work on the Mi'gmaq in the department is a continuation from last semester's Linguistic Field Methods course, co-taught by Jessica Coon...
March 26, 2012
Bethany Lochbihler to present at GLOW
Bethany Lochbihler will be presenting her work "Final and non-final phase status" at this year's GLOW (Generative Linguistics in the Old World) conference,...
March 19, 2012
Dissertation defense 3/14 – Öner Özçelik
Candidate: Öner Özçelik Title: Representation and acquisition of stress: The case of Turkish Date: Wednesday March 14, 3:00 Place: Education 433 Abstract: This...
March 12, 2012
Ling-Tea 3/14 – Rachel Borden, Jeffrey Klassen, Lance Williams
This week, in Ling-Tea... Speakers: Rachel Borden, Jeffrey Klassen, Lance Williams When: Wednesday 3/14, 3pm Where: Linguistics 117 Title: The Production of Sibilants...
March 12, 2012
Dissertation defense 3/14 – Mina Sugimura
Candidate: Mina Sugimura Thesis title: Domain extension: A study of restructuring predicates in Japanese and the role of head movement When: Wednesday March...
March 12, 2012
McGill at TOM
A group of McGill linguists will travel to Ottawa this weekend for the 5th TOM, the Toronto-Ottawa-Montréal Workshop on Semantics, co-organized by Junko...
March 5, 2012
Tokiko Okuma and Chen Qu to present at MOT
Tokiko Okuma and Chen Qu will be presenting their research at the Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto Phonology Workshop at the University of Toronto, March 9th-11th. Chen’s...
March 5, 2012
David-Étienne Bouchard awarded SSHRC Post-Doctoral fellowship
Fifth-year graduate student David-Étienne Bouchard was awarded a 2-year SSHRC Post-Doctoral Fellowship to work with Éric Mathieu at the University of Ottawa on...
February 13, 2012