McGill at the Algonquian Conference

Later this week a number of McGill linguists, present and past, will travel to the University of Chicago for the 44th Algonquian Conference....
October 22, 2012

McGill at NELS 43

McGill will be represented in three talks at this year's Northeast Linguistics Society (NELS), to be held October 19–21st at the City University...
October 9, 2012

Goad and Qu present in Leipzig

Heather Goad and Chen Qu presented collaborative work this weekend at the workshop "Tone: Theory and Practice", held at the Max Planck Institute...
October 1, 2012

Coon, Henderson, and McCulloch return from Guatemala

Jessica Coon and Gretchen McCulloch, together with recent UCSC PhD and new McGill post-doc Robert Henderson, are on their way back from Guatemala...
August 6, 2012

Upcoming presentations from the Speech Learning Lab and prosody.lab

McGill linguistics will be well-represented at two upcoming conferences. Recent McGill post-doc Sara Mackenzie (MUN), recent BA Erin Olson, together with faculty members...
July 9, 2012

Conferences round-up

Sara Mackenzie (Memorial University), and Erin Olson, Meghan Clayards & Michael Wagner (McGill) presented a poster a poster on the production and perception...
May 7, 2012

McGill at Ottawa Modality Workshop

McGill will be well-represented at the upcoming Modality@Ottawa workshop later this week. Presentations include work by McGill faculty and graduate students: Luis Alonso-Ovalle...
April 16, 2012

Conferences round-up

This was a busy weekend of conferences for McGill students. First year student Gretchen McCulloch traveled to Oklahoma to present her work on...
April 16, 2012

Ling-Tea 4/11 – Jozina Vander Klok

In this week's Ling-Tea Jozina Vander Klok will give a practice presentation for the upcoming modality workshop at the University of Ottawa, to...
April 9, 2012

Syntax-phonology group 4/12 – Newell

The upcoming meetings of the Syntax-Phonology research group will focus on work related to the upcoming  upcoming Exploring the Interfaces: Word Structure workshop,...
April 9, 2012

Algonquian Mini Workshop 3/22

This Thursday evening––in keeping with the many Algonquian-related events happening this week––we will have a mini Algonquian workshop to showcase some of the...
March 19, 2012

Announcing “Exploring the Interfaces” Workshop

As part of the Syntactic Interfaces Research Group (SIRG) of McGill University and UQAM, McGill is hosting the first of three workshops, Exploring...
March 19, 2012