(belated) welcome to postdoc Eva Portelance!

McLing would like to belatedly welcome Eva Portelance back to the Linguistics department! Eva is a postdoctoral researcher working with Tim O'Donnell and...
November 9, 2023

McGill at Sinn und Bedeutung 2022

McGill linguists presented work at Sinn und Bedeutung 27, hosted September 14–16th at Charles University in Prague. Recent post-doc Alexander Göbel and Michael...
September 26, 2022

White, Goad, Garcia, Guzzo, Smeets, and Su at EuroSLA and GASLA

Lydia White, Heather Goad, Gui Garcia (PhD 2017), Natália Guzzo (post-doc 2016-2019), Liz Smeets (PhD 2020) and Jiajia Su (PhD 2019) presented two collaborative papers...
August 22, 2022

Li and Goad in Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism

Ying Li (post-doc 2018-2020) and Heather Goad's paper, "Naïve English-speaking learners’ use of indirect positive evidence: The case of Mandarin plural marking" appeared in Linguistic Approaches...
August 22, 2022

Alex Göbel to Princeton

Alex Göbel wrapped up a postdoc with Michael Wagner at McGill this past year, and is starting a new postdoc at Princeton this...
August 22, 2022

Mathieu Paillé to U Calgary

Congratulations to Mathieu Paillé, who will start a position as a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Calgary in fall 2022. He will...
May 28, 2022

McGill @ LSA 2022

McGill linguists presented at this year's meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, held this past weekend in hybrid format in Washington DC....
January 9, 2022

McGill at BUCLD

McGill was well represented at the 46th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (Nov 4-7). The following poster presentations were given by current and former...
November 8, 2021

McGill @ NELS

McGill linguists will be presenting their work at the upcoming 52nd meeting of the Northeast Linguistics Society (NELS 52), hosted virtually by Rutgers...
October 24, 2021

McGill at Interspeech and Amlap 2021

McGill will be represented at two upcoming virtual conferences in early September, details and links below: At  Interspeech 2021 in Brno, Czechia: Branislav Gerazov...
August 25, 2021

Little and Coon @ WSCLA 25

Carol-Rose Little presented a paper titled "An external possession puzzle in Ch'ol Mayan" at the 25th Workshop on Structure and Constituency of Languages...
May 31, 2021

Guzzo and Garcia in Glossa

Postdoc Natália Brambatti Guzzo and Guilherme D. Garcia (PhD ’17) just had an article accepted for publication at Glossa: a journal of general...
May 17, 2021