Yosef Grodzinsky special talk, 10/17

On Monday, October 17, 3:30-4:30 pm, Yosef Grodzinsky (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) is giving a talk titled: “The processing costs of monotonicity: many puzzles, few solutions” (Room...
October 15, 2022

Hirsch and Schwarz at “New trends in semantics” workshop

On June 16, Aron Hirsch (postdoc 2017-19) and Bernhard Schwarz jointly gave an invited talk at the workshop “New trends in semantics”, held...
August 22, 2022

Yuzhou Yan @ CULC16

Yuzhou Yan (Honours Linguistics/Major Computer Science) presented on part of his honours thesis work at the 16th annual Cornell Undergraduate Linguistics Colloquium (CULC16, hybrid format), April...
April 25, 2022

Junko Shimoyama at Cornell

Junko Shimoyama gave a colloquium talk last Thursday at Cornell University virtually, on “Embedded negative polar questions in Japanese: explaining the puzzling distribution...
April 25, 2022

Public lecture: Anne H. Charity Hudley, “A Model for Linguistic Reparations”, 2/11

On Friday February 11th at 3:30pm Anne H. Charity Hudley (Stanford University) will give a public lecture as part of the McGill Linguistics...
February 6, 2022

Mathieu Paillé at Göttingen

Mathieu Paillé gave an invited talk on December 21, 2021, online at the University of Göttingen. The talk was entitled "On the strengthening of non-scalar...
January 5, 2022

Mathieu Paillé at Humboldt University of Berlin

Linguistics PhD student Mathieu Paillé gave an invited talk online at Humboldt University of Berlin on November 9th, entitled "Derivational morphemes exhaustify roots:...
November 17, 2021

Public lecture, 2/25 — Michel DeGraff at Concordia

Black History Month at Concordia, the Black Perspectives Office, and the Centre for Cognitive Science present a public lecture by Professor Michel DeGraff (MIT) #BlackLivesMatter → #OurLanguagesMatter Language rights are...
February 22, 2021

Bernhard Schwarz at UCL

As part of the UCL Linguistics Seminar series, Bernhard Schwarz gave an invited talk today entitled “Comparisons of concentration and the composition of dimensions”, reporting on...
February 15, 2021

Martina Martinović at UChicago

Martina Martinović presented her work on control and restructuring in an invited talk at the University of Chicago on November 20th. The title...
November 30, 2020

Announcement: PhD Dissertation Defense, 12/9 — Francesco Gentile

Please join us for the PhD Oral Defense of Francesco Gentile, Monday, December 9th, 2019 at 2:30 pm in the Ferrier Bldg. Rm. 456. The dissertation is...
December 5, 2019

LING/DISE Indigenous languages search, 12/2 – Ryan DeCaire

Please join us this afternoon for the last of the three talks in connection with the LING/DISE search in Indigenous Languages. Speaker: Ryan DeCaire...
December 2, 2019