Syntax-Semantics group: MULL-themed talk, 11/22 — Anne Bertrand and Rose Underhill (UBC)
The Syntax-Semantics reading group and MULL-lab will be meeting on Wednesday, November 22nd at 4pm in Rm. 117 of the McGill Linguistics department, with a Zoom room...
November 19, 2023
Malagasy in Montreal 2023 at McGill
On November 11-12 McGill hosted the second edition of “Malagasy in Montreal,” a workshop for research on Malagasy and other Austronesian languages. McGillians...
November 12, 2023
Syntax-Semantics group: MULL-themed talk, 11/15 — Terrance Gatchalian
The Syntax-Semantics reading group and MULL-lab will be meeting on Wednesday, November 15th at 4pm in Rm. 117 of the McGill Linguistics department, with a Zoom room...
November 10, 2023
Syntax-Semantics group: MULL-themed talk, 10/18 — Austin Kraft
The Syntax-Semantics reading group and MULL-lab will be meeting on Wednesday, October 18th at 4pm in Rm. 117 of the McGill Linguistics department, with a Zoom room...
October 15, 2023
Syntax-Semantics group: MULL-themed talk, 9/27 — Martina Martinovic
The Syntax-Semantics reading group and MULL-lab will be meeting on Wednesday, September 27th at 4pm in Rm. 117 of the McGill Linguistics department, with a Zoom room...
September 24, 2023
MULL-lab & Syntax-Semantics, 09/13 — First Meeting
The Syntax-Semantics reading group and MULL-lab will be meeting on Wednesday, September 13th at 4pm in Rm. 002 of the McGill Linguistics department, with a Zoom room...
September 11, 2023
Fieldwork in Senegal
Martina Martinović and Brandon Chaperon spent 5 weeks in Senegal conducting fieldwork on Wolof. Here they are in St. Louis with two language...
June 11, 2023
WSCLA 2023
The 26th Workshop on Structure and Constituency of Languages of the Americas (WSCLA) took place this past weekend at McGill. More than 60...
April 30, 2023
WSCLA April 28th–30th
McGill is hosting the 2023 annual meeting of the Workshop on Structure and Constituency of Languages of the Americas (WSCLA), which will take...
April 18, 2023
James Crippen in McGill Arts Life
The Arts Life Magazine of the McGill Faculty of Arts interviewed James Crippen on the upcoming Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages...
April 18, 2023
MULL-lab, 04/18 — Richard Compton
MULL-lab will be meeting this Tuesday, April 18th at 3:00 pm. Meetings take place in Rm. 002 of the McGill Linguistics department, with a Zoom room...
April 17, 2023
MULL-lab, 04/11 — Yoann Léveillé
MULL-lab will be meeting this Tuesday, April 11th at 3:00 pm. Meetings take place in Rm. 002 of the McGill Linguistics department, with a Zoom room...
April 10, 2023