James Crippen plenary at Mo-MOT

James Crippen was an invited plenary speaker at this year's 7th annual Montréal-Ottawa-Toronto Morphology Meeting (Mo-MOT 7), held October 27–28 at the University...
October 29, 2023

McGill at New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 51

McGill Linguists presented their research at the New Ways of Analyzing Variation conference at Queen's College in New York City from October 13th...
October 23, 2023

Heather Goad at J-SLA2023

Heather Goad presented ‘Phonological challenges at the right edge of words: Second language learners are strategic’ at the 23rd International Conference of the...
October 22, 2023

McGill at Acoustic Week in Canada

McGill linguists presented work at the Canadian Acoustical Association’s Acoustics Week in Canada, held in Montreal Oct 3-6. Presentations included: Connie Ting &...
October 16, 2023

Michael Wagner at Morris Halle 100 Conference

Michael Wagner presented a poster entitled "Encoding and retrieving grouping and prominence in the speech stream" at the Morris Halle 100 conference at MIT last...
September 11, 2023

McGill @ Sinn und Bedeutung

McGill linguists presented papers at Sinn und Bedeutung last week, which took place September 5–8 in Bochum. Luis Alonso-Ovalle & Bernhard Schwarz – On the...
September 11, 2023

Summer Conferences II

The 20th International Conference on Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2023) will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, from August 7th - 13th. The research...
June 4, 2023

McGill linguists @ CLA 2023

McGill linguists presented work at this year's meeting of the Canadian Linguistics Association (CLA), held at York University May 31–June 3rd as part...
June 2, 2023

Summer conferences

McGill linguists will be busy presenting at conferences this summer, including: The Ba-SIS - Bantu Syntax and Information Structure conference will be held...
May 28, 2023

McGill @ SALT 33

The 33rd meeting of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT 33) was hosted by the Linguistics Department at Yale University on May 12 – 14, 2023. The conference...
May 17, 2023

McGill @ NAPhCxii

Several former and current McGillians presented their research at NAPhCxii 2023 at Concordia University May 12-14. Presentations included: Jeff Lamontagne (PhD 2020): Returning to our feature (re)presentation: Marginal...
May 15, 2023

McGill @ WCCFL 41

McGill linguists presented at the 41st West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 41), held May 5–7 at UC Santa Cruz. Presentations by...
May 7, 2023