Current and former McGillians attended the Boston University Conference on Language Development (Nov 2-5) and had a McGill reunion dinner: 

L-to-R Phaedra Royle (MA 1996, Post-doc 2002-2004), Guillaume Blais, Aliza Ellner (BA hon 2021), Vera Xia (BA 2018), Lydia White, Silvina Montrul (PhD 1998), Theres Grüter 2007), Heather Goad

Current McGillians gave the following talks:

  • Lydia White, Vera Xia & Natália Brambatti Guzzo: Relativized minimality in L2 revisited: Effects of L1 and tense on processing of object relative clauses
  • Aliza Ellner & Heather Goad: Alternative representations for obstruent+liquid strings in German-speaking children with phonological disorders