Michael Hamilton to Florida Atlantic University

Congratulations to recent McGill PhD Michael Hamilton, who has just accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the Linguistics Department at Florida Atlantic University...
February 1, 2016

Mi’gmaq Research Partnership publication

A paper documenting the Mi'gmaq Research Partnership––a collaborative language partnership involving the Listuguj Education Directorate and McGill and Concordia linguists––was just published in...
January 18, 2016

President’s Award for McGill alum Yvan Rose

Former McGill graduate, Yvan Rose (PhD 2000), has received the President's Award for Outstanding Research at Memorial University. Details can be found here: http://today.mun.ca/news.php?id=9857. Congratulations...
December 14, 2015

Bernhard Schwarz at CSSP

Bernhard Schwarz was in Paris, presenting collaborative work with Sasha Simonenko (McGill PhD 2014) at CSSP, the Colloque de Syntaxe et Sémantique à Paris. The title...
October 13, 2015

Photos from McGill at Sinn & Bedeutung

Here are some photos from Sinn und Bedeutung 20 at the University of Tübingen, Germany, previously announced here. Polina Berezovskaya (Graduate Research Trainee 2010-11) was...
September 21, 2015

What McGill linguists did this summer…

McGill was well-represented at the 2015 LSA Institute.  Grads Hye-Young Bang, Guilherme Garcia, Dan Goodhue, Bing'er Jiang, Oriana Kilbourn-Ceron, Dejan Milacic and alums Elise McClay and Erin Olson (BA '12) were participants; alums Gretchen McCulloch (MA '13)...
August 31, 2015

Sasha Simonenko in Journal of Semantics

Recent PhD graduate Sasha Simonenko, currently a Postdoc at LaTTiCe (CNRS, ENS, Paris 3), just learned that her manuscript "Semantics of DP islands: The case...
February 23, 2015

McGill at at VocUM 2014

McGill linguists presented last week at Université de Montréal's VocUM 2014, a "colloque multidisciplinaire en traduction, linguistique, littératures et langues modernes." Lizzie Carolan (BA '14,...
November 24, 2014

Newell & Piggott appears in Lingua

Congratulations to Heather Newell and Glyne Piggott, whose paper "Interactions at the syntax-phonology interface: Evidence from Ojibwe" was just published by Lingua. You can...
October 6, 2014

McGill at Sinn und Bedeutung

First-year PhD student Dejan Milacic recently returned from Sinn und Bedeutung 19 in Göttingen, Germany. Together with his former supervisors at Carleton University, Raj Singh...
September 22, 2014

NACLO at the International Linguistics Olympiad

Canada received 3 medals–1 gold, 1 silver, and 1 bronze–in 2014 International Linguistics Olympiad, held this summer in Beijing, China. The North American...
September 2, 2014

McGill ’12 graduates head to graduate school

At least three McGill students who completed BAs in 2012 are off to graduate school this fall. After spending another summer in Listuguj...
May 12, 2014