Jessica Coon in Florida

Jessica Coon was at the University of Florida in Gainesville April 5-6 for the 5th Florida Linguistics Yearly Meeting (FLYM) where she gave...
April 8, 2019

Amazigh Workshop talks, 3/21 – Achab, Baier, Ouali, Fahloune

This Thursday and Friday McGill  will host a Workshop on Amazigh languages, featuring invited talks by Karim Achab (University of Ottawa), Hamid Ouali (University...
March 18, 2019

McGill at LSA 2019

The Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America took place this past weekend in New York, and McGill linguists were there presenting....
January 7, 2019

Nico Baier at UofT

Postdoctoral researcher Nico Baier was at the University of Toronto last week where he gave an invited talk "Unifying anti-agreement and wh-agreement."
December 11, 2018

Welcome new postdocs!

Nico Baier recently received his PhD in Linguistics from UC Berkeley. At McGill this year he’ll be doing a post-doc with Jessica Coon...
September 10, 2018

Aron Hirsch mini-course: Oct 30-Nov 9

Aron Hirsch (SSHRC postdoctoral fellow at McGill this year), will be giving a “mini-course” about his research on the syntax-semantics of "cross-categorial” operators, in...
October 23, 2017

McGill at MIT Workshop on Simplicity

McGill linguists presented at the MIT Workshop on Simplicity in Grammar Learning on Sep 23: Richard Futrell and Tim O'Donnell: "A generative model of phonotactics"...
October 2, 2017

McLing summer news

What did McGill linguists do this summer? Some answers can be found below. If you didn’t get your post in on time, email...
September 11, 2017

Welcome new postdoc Aron Hirsch!

McLing would like to extend a warm welcome to a new postdoc, Aron Hirsch, who has jointed the department as a SSHRC postdoctoral...
September 11, 2017

Emily Elfner to York University

McLing is pleased to report that Emily Elfner (McGill post-doc 2012–2014) has recently accepted a job as Asssistant Professor in Phonetics and Phonology at York...
March 27, 2017

Colloquium, 9/23 – Michael McAuliffe

We are pleased to announce that the first talk in our 2016-2017 McGill Linguistics Colloquium Series will be given by our own Michael...
September 19, 2016

Meaghan Fowlie to Saarbrücken

Congratulations to recent McGill research fellow (and '07 BA alumna) Meaghan Fowlie, who has accepted a post-doctoral position this fall at Saarland University in Saarbrücken,...
September 19, 2016