McGill linguists at EMNLP 2021

McGill linguists presented their work at the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing  (EMNLP 2021) November 7–11. Jacob Louis Hoover presented a poster...
November 9, 2021

McGill at BUCLD

McGill was well represented at the 46th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (Nov 4-7). The following poster presentations were given by current and former...
November 8, 2021

McGill @ NELS

McGill linguists will be presenting their work at the upcoming 52nd meeting of the Northeast Linguistics Society (NELS 52), hosted virtually by Rutgers...
October 24, 2021

McGill @ AMP 2021

McGill Linguistics was represented at the Annual Meeting on Phonology 2021, held Oct. 1-3 (virtually) in Toronto: Morgan Sonderegger gave an invited talk, "Corpus studies...
October 12, 2021

Alonso-Ovalle at SENSUS 2

Luis Alonso-Ovalle presented collaborative work with Paula Menéndez-Benito (U. Tübingen) and Aynat Rubinstein (Hebrew University Jerusalem) last week at the 2nd meeting of...
October 1, 2021

McGill @ Sinn und Bedeutung 26

Sinn und Bedeutung was hosted virtually last week by the Institute of German Language and Literature I and the Cologne Center of Language Sciences...
September 12, 2021

McGill at Interspeech and Amlap 2021

McGill will be represented at two upcoming virtual conferences in early September, details and links below: At  Interspeech 2021 in Brno, Czechia: Branislav Gerazov...
August 25, 2021

Two Prosodylab papers accepted at Interspeech

Two papers from prosodylab have been accepted at Interspeech: Wagner, Michael, Iturralde Zurita, Alvaro, and Zhang, Sijjia (in press). Parsing speech for grouping...
June 21, 2021

McGill @ CLA 2021

Current and former McGillians were well represented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, held virtually June 4–7. Presentations included: Bronwyn...
June 21, 2021

Little and Coon @ WSCLA 25

Carol-Rose Little presented a paper titled "An external possession puzzle in Ch'ol Mayan" at the 25th Workshop on Structure and Constituency of Languages...
May 31, 2021

McGill @ AFLA 28

The 28th annual meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA 28) took place virtually last week, hosted by McGill University and National...
May 31, 2021

Guzzo and Franken @ CLS 57

Natália Brambatti Guzzo and Avery Franken (BA ’21) presented a talk at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, hosted virtually...
May 17, 2021