Former MCQLL MA student (2021), Emily Goodwin traveled to ACL 2022 in Dublin, Ireland to present her paper Compositional Generalization in Dependency Parsing, which is joint work with Siva Reddy, Tim O’Donnell and Dima Bahdanau.
MCQLL PhD student Michaela Socolof traveled to ACL 2022 in Dublin, Ireland to present her paper Characterizing idioms: Conventionality and contingency, which is joint work with Jackie Cheung, Michael Wagner, and Tim O’Donnell. She also had a paper accepted at COLING 2022: “Measuring morphological fusion using partial information decomposition,” which is joint work with Jacob Hoover, Richard Futrell, Alessandro Sordoni, and Tim O’Donnell.
MCQLL PhD student Jacob Louis Hoover’s work with Morgan Sonderegger, Steve Piantadosi (of UC Berkeley), and Tim O’Donnell was accepted to the Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing conference (AMLaP 28), which will take place in York UK. The work is titled With Better Language Models, Processing Time is Superlinear in Surprisal.
MCQLL PhD student Amanda Doucette presented their project Identity, similarity, and the OCP: A model of co-occurrence in 107 languages which was joint work with Tim O’Donnell, Heather Goad, and Morgan Sonderegger.
MCQLL co-director Tim O’Donnell appeared as senior author on the paper Synthesizing theories of human language with Bayesian program induction, which appeared in Nature Communications on the 30th of August. The paper was joint work with first author Kevin Ellis (Cornell, CS) who led the project, Adam Albright (MIT, Linguistics), Josh Tenenbaum (MIT, BCS), and Armando Solar-Lezama (MIT, EECS).