Colin Brown at “Putting Fieldwork on Indigenous Languages to New Uses”

Colin Brown returned last week from a workshop in São Paolo, Brazil called Putting Fieldwork on Indigenous Languages to New Uses. The workshop was...
April 4, 2016

McGill at WSCLA 2016

A subset of the current and past McGill affiliates attending WSCLA 2016 this year at UQÀM, co-organized by Richard Compton and Heather Newell.
April 4, 2016

Mi’gmaq Research Partnership in the news

The Mi'gmaq Research Partnership was featured last week in the Montreal Gazette, in connection with Mi'gmaq work being presented at this year's WSCLA...
April 4, 2016

ProsodyLab at DGFS Summer School

This summer, McGill's prosodylab will be represented at the DGFS summer school in Tübingen on Mapping Meaning: Theory - Cognition - Variation, which...
March 29, 2016

McGill at MOTH 2016

This year's Montréal-Ottawa-Toronto-Hamilton Syntax Workshop (MOTH) will take place April 15th and 16th at the University of Toronto Mississauga. There will be three presentations...
March 29, 2016

McCCLU, 3/18–3/19

The Society of Linguistics Undergraduates at McGill is proud to announce the 10th edition of McCCLU, the McGill Canadian Conference for Linguistics Undergraduates. This...
March 14, 2016

McGill at WSCLA in Montreal

This year's Workshop on the Structure and Constituency of Languages of the Americas (WSCLA) will take place at UQÀM, April 1st–3rd. In addition...
March 14, 2016

Lydia White at FLing

Lydia White was at Florida International University last week (March 10 and 11), giving plenaries at two meetings which have been combined into one,...
March 14, 2016

Sepideh and Liz at Pscychoshorts

Sepideh Mortazavinia and Liz Smeets presented their work at Psychoshorts 2016, which took place in Ottawa February 27th. Sepideh presented a poster related to...
March 7, 2016

McGill at BLS 42

Henrison Hsieh and Lisa Travis will head to Berkeley later this week for the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Henrison's talk is titled...
February 1, 2016