The 2017 Canadian Linguistics Annual Undergraduate Symposium (CLAUSE̥) took place this past weekend at Concordia University. Talks by McGill linguists included:
- Teresa Addo – Overcoming perceptual illusions: Ultimate attainment by Japanese-speaking learners of English
- Sara Carrier-Bordeleau – Orphan prepositions as DP ellipsis
- Sarah Mihuc – Effects of focus and word order in Kabyle
- Victoria Poulton, Sarah Colby, Meghan Clayards – Investigating influences of working memory and inhibition on lexical frequency effects in older adults
- Clea Stuart – Where the Malagasy adverbs are

There were also two workshops, led by current and former McGill students Sonia Massi and Emilio Assuncao, as well as a plenary talk by McGill PhD (’08) Heather Newell (UQÀM).