Buccola, Hamilton, and Schwarz paper accepted

A collaborative paper by Brian Buccola, Mike Hamilton, and Bernhard Schwarz, titled "Two Types of Class B Numeral Modifiers: a Reply to Nouwen 2010", was...
November 28, 2011

Sasha Simonenko awarded Arts fieldwork travel grant

Sasha Simonkenko––who is spending this semester as a visiting student at the Univesity of Tromsø––was just awarded an Arts Graduate Research Travel Grant to...
November 21, 2011

Welcome Jonathan Howell!

Jonathan Howell, who just finished his thesis "Meaning and Prosody: On the Web, in the Lab and from the Theorist's Armchair" at Cornell...
November 14, 2011

McGill at NELS 41

McGill was represented at NELS 42, which took place this past weekend at the University of Toronto. Fourth year PhD student Sasha Simonenko...
November 14, 2011

Congratulations Andrea Santi, Öner Özçelik and Theres Grüter!

Andrea Santi (PhD '08 and current McGill postdoc) has accepted an offer as a Lecturer position (the UK equivalent of a tenure-track assistant...
November 14, 2011

Dissertation defense, 11/18 – Kathleen Brannen

Candidate: Kathleen Brannen Title: The perception and production of interdental fricatives in second-language acquisition Time: Friday 11/18, 10:15 Place: Wilson Hall, Rm 110...
November 14, 2011