Postdoc news
Ling-Tea, Hadas Kotek – 9/1
Hadas Kotek will be presenting joint work with Michael Erlewine at the first Ling-Tea of the Fall 2015 semester. This will be presenting a...
August 31, 2015
What McGill linguists did this summer…
McGill was well-represented at the 2015 LSA Institute. Grads Hye-Young Bang, Guilherme Garcia, Dan Goodhue, Bing'er Jiang, Oriana Kilbourn-Ceron, Dejan Milacic and alums Elise McClay and Erin Olson (BA '12) were participants; alums Gretchen McCulloch (MA '13)...
August 31, 2015
Michael Erlewine to Singapore
Congratulations to current postdoctoral fellow Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine who has accepted a position as Assistant Professor at the National University of Singapore, beginning in July....
June 8, 2015
Lauren Clemens to SUNY Albany
McLing would like to bid a fond farewell to postdoctoral fellow Lauren Clemens, who will be leaving McGill to take up a tenure-track Assistant...
June 1, 2015
Kotek, Sudo, and Hackl in Natural Language Semantics
Postdoc Hadas Kotek's paper "Experimental investigations of ambiguity: the case of most" just appeared online in Natural Language Semantics. The paper is joint work with Yasutada...
May 11, 2015
Erlewine and Kotek at CLS
Postdoctoral fellows Michael Erlewine and Hadas Kotek presented at the 51st meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society last week. The title of their joint talk was...
May 4, 2015
McGill at GLOW
PhD student Michael Hamilton and postdoc Hadas Kotek are returning from presenting work at the 38th Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW) conference, held April 15–18th...
April 20, 2015
Lauren Clemens in Toronto
Postdoc Lauren Clemens was at the University of Toronto last week where she gave an invited talk titled "The possibilities and limitations of using...
April 20, 2015
McGill at upcoming GLOW and WCCFL
McGill linguists will travel to Vancouver for WCCFL 33 later this month, to be held at Simon Frasier University. Heather Goad will give a...
March 9, 2015
Lauren Clemens to Stony Brook
Post-doctoral fellow Lauren Clemens heads to Stony Brook University this week for a colloquium talk. The title of her talk is "The possibilities and limitations...
February 16, 2015
mitcho Erlewine to Minnesota
Postdoc mitcho Erlewine heads to the University of Minnesota this week to give a colloquium talk title, "Focus adverbs at the vP and...
February 9, 2015
Clemens and Coon to FAMLi 3
Lauren Clemens and Jessica Coon will travel to Mexico City this week to present at the 3rd Form and Analysis in Mayan Linguistics...
December 1, 2014