McLing summer news

What did McGill linguists do this summer? Some answers can be found below. If you didn't get your post in on time, email...
September 6, 2016

McGill at SALT

SALT wrapped up this past weekend at the University of Texas at Austin, and McGill linguists were present. Poster presentations by current McGill...
May 16, 2016

Meaghan Fowlie at NAPhC9

Meaghan Fowlie spoke at the Ninth North American Phonology Conference (NAPhC9), held May 7–8 at Concordia. The title of her talk was "Revenge...
May 16, 2016

Hadas Kotek to Yale

Congratulations to Hadas Kotek who has just accepted a lecturer position in Semantics at Yale, beginning in August. Hadas is finishing a two-year Mellon...
May 9, 2016

McAuliffe & Sonderegger in Glasgow

This past week Michael McAuliffe and Morgan Sonderegger gave a workshop on Easier speech corpus analysis: A practical introduction to Montreal Corpus Tools (including...
May 4, 2016

McGill at WSCLA 2016

A subset of the current and past McGill affiliates attending WSCLA 2016 this year at UQÀM, co-organized by Richard Compton and Heather Newell.
April 4, 2016

Ling-Tea, 3/8 – Hadas Kotek

Hadas Kotek will present in this week's Ling-Tea, Tuesday 3/8 from 1pm–2:30 in room 117. Note that this will be an extended 90 minute Ling-Tea...
March 7, 2016

Sepideh and Liz at Pscychoshorts

Sepideh Mortazavinia and Liz Smeets presented their work at Psychoshorts 2016, which took place in Ottawa February 27th. Sepideh presented a poster related to...
March 7, 2016

Hadas Kotek’s paper to appear in Glossa

Hadas Kotek's paper "Covert partial wh-movement and the nature of derivations" has just been accepted for publication with Glossa: Special Issue on Syntactic Computation. Here...
March 7, 2016

Colloquium, 11/20 – Meaghan Fowlie

Speaker: Meaghan Fowlie (McGill) Date & Time: Friday, November 20th at 3:30 pm Place: ARTS Bldg. room 260 Title: Modelling and Learning Adjuncts Adjuncts have among their...
November 16, 2015

Meaghan Fowlie at Workshop on Minimalist Parsing

Postdoctoral fellow Meaghan Fowlie gave an invited talk at Computation, Language, Biology: Workshop on Minimalist Parsing held at MIT October 10th and 11th. The title of...
October 19, 2015

Hadas Kotek at IATL

This week postdoctoral fellow Hadas Kotek will be presenting a talk at the Israeli Association for Theoretical Linguistics (IATL). The title of her talk...
October 13, 2015