Welcome back to McLing + new email digest
McLing is back for the 2021/2022 academic year. As always, we invite you to send us your linguistics-related news (presentations, publications, grants, fieldwork,...
August 17, 2021
Note about fall McLing email digest subscription
This is summertime note is to let you know that the subscription service that has been sending the McLing email digest is changing,...
July 28, 2021
McLing summer hiatus
McLing will take a break for the summer and be back in the next academic year. Have good summers all!
June 21, 2021
Welcome back to McLing
Welcome to the (virtual!) 2020 Fall semester. As always, we invite you to your news (presentations, publications, grants, fieldwork, courses, workshops, departmental events,...
August 17, 2020
McLing summer hiatus
This will be the last issue of McLing for the summer. We'll be back in the fall with regular news and events. Have...
June 25, 2020
Welcome Ella Martindale
Ella Martindale has recently (re)joined McGill as the Administrative Coordinator for the Mellon-funded Indigenous Studies and Community Engagement Initiative, currently directed by Jessica...
February 10, 2020
Welcome new faculty member, Siva Reddy!
Siva Reddy is joining as a joint faculty in the Department of Linguistics and the School of Computer Science. He is a Facebook CIFAR...
January 13, 2020
Have a good break!
McLing would like to wish everyone a good winter break. We'll return in 2020 with more McGill Linguistics news. As always, please send...
December 16, 2019
New McLing student editor, Will Johnston
Will Johnston will be joining the McLing team as the new graduate student editor, replacing outgoing editor Francesco Gentile. Will joins faculty editors...
September 3, 2019
Welcome back!
McLing hopes everyone had a great summer! As always, we invite you to your news (presentations, publications, grants, fieldwork, courses, workshops, departmental events,...
August 26, 2019
Have a good summer!
This will be McLing's last issue for the 2018/2019 academic year. We'll back in the fall, have a good break!
May 27, 2019
Happy break everyone!
This is McLing's last newsletter of 2018. We hope you all enjoy the break, keep sending us your news in the new year!
December 11, 2018