Ling-Tea 3/28 – Tanya Slavin

Speaker: Tanya Slavin When: Wednesday 3/28, 3:00pm Where: Linguistics 117 Title: On possession and noun incorporation in Ojicree
March 26, 2012

Colloquium 3/23 – Tanya Slavin

Speaker: Tanya Slavin Title: "Deriving Object Experiencer verbs in Ojicree" When: March 23rd at 3:30PM Where: Leacock rm. 14. Abstract: In this talk...
March 19, 2012

Colloquium 3/16 – Jonathan Howell

Speaker: Jonathan Howell (McGill) When: Friday, March 16 at 3:30 pm Where: Leacock Building, room 232 Title: Acoustic classification of contrastive focus: On...
March 12, 2012

Tanya Slavin to present at WSCLA

McGill post-doc Tanya Slavin will be  to presenting her work this weekend at the 17th Workshop on Structure and Constiuency of Languages of...
March 5, 2012