Martha Schwarz at FASAL

Martha Schwarz presented a poster on “Case Assignment in Nepali” at the Formal Approaches to South Asian Languages conference at MIT, March 4-5th. This poster...
March 20, 2017

McGill at MOTH5

McGill BA student Clea Stuart will be presenting at this year's MOTH syntax workshop, held at McMaster University April 8th. The title of her...
March 13, 2017

McGill at DP60

Current and past McGill linguists gathered at MIT Saturday for a surprise workshop in honour of David Pesetsky's 60th birthday. Attendees presented posters...
February 13, 2017

McGill at BLS 43

McGill linguists are returning this week from the 43rd annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Lydia Felice and Sarah Mihuc presented posters...
February 6, 2017

Carrier-Bordeleau and Travis at ABLT-BWTL

McGill BA student Sara Carrier-Bordeleau and Lisa Travis represented McGill Linguistics at the Atelier bilingue en linguistique théorique -Bilingual Workshop in Theoretical Linguistics ...
December 19, 2016

Michael Wagner in Tromsø

Michael Wagner recently returned from giving an invited lecture at the Workshop on Hierarchical Structures in Phonology, Morphology and Syntax which took place October 27–38th...
October 31, 2016

McGill at NELS 47

McGill linguists presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of North East Linguistic Society (NELS 47), which was hosted at the University of Massachusetts...
October 17, 2016

Jessica Coon in Arezzo

Jessica Coon is just returning from Arezzo, Italy, where she gave an invited talk at the workshop: "What's in a Label?". The title...
October 3, 2016

McGill at GALANA-7

GALANA-7 took place last week at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Guilherme Garcia presented a talk titled "Second Language Acquisition of Stress in...
September 19, 2016

McGill at Sinn und Bedeutung

McGill linguists of past and present were well represented at Sinn und Bedeutung 21, which took place this past weekend in Edinburgh. Presentations...
September 12, 2016

Travel awards to Gui Garcia

PhD student Gui Garcia was recently awarded a CRBLM travel grant. Gui used the grant for his trip to the 24th Manchester Phonology...
June 6, 2016

McGill at SALT

SALT wrapped up this past weekend at the University of Texas at Austin, and McGill linguists were present. Poster presentations by current McGill...
May 16, 2016