Please join us in welcoming new postdoc Lauren Eby Clemens, who will be joining the department this summer working on a SSHRC-funded ergativity project with Lisa Travis and Jessica Coon.

Lauren graduated from Harvard in May of this year and is excited to be
joining McGill’s department. Her research focuses on prosody and the
syntax-phonology interface at the sentential level. She works
primarily with data from Austronesian and Mayan languages. Her
specific research interests include prosodic diagnostics for syntactic
structure; the effect of prosodic constraints on word order variation;
and the representation of prosodic structure in the grammar. Her
dissertation “Prosodic Noun Incorporation and Verb-Initial Syntax”
develops a prosodically motivated account of pseudo-noun incorporation
with specific reference to Niuean. Although Lauren is a Hawks fan by
birth, she is glad to have a team to cheer for in the Eastern

Welcome Lauren!

picture for mcling