Welcome back everyone. We will resume our regular news and events updates next week, but wanted to send a quick post with this week’s events. Please send us your news from the summer!
Wednesday, August 27th – Eye-tracking seminar
Please join us on Wednesday, August 27 at 1085 Dr. Penfield (starting in room 117) for a seminar on eye movement research in linguistics. This seminar is aimed especially at introducing the methodology to researchers in theoretical linguistics who might be interested in getting involved in experimental research, with a focus on the sentence/discourse level. The rough schedule for the day is:
10am-12:30: General introduction, the basics of eye movement research in reading (Meg) and in the ‘visual world’ (Jeff).
12:30-1:30: break for lunch (provided)
1:30-4pm: More detailed introduction to the methodology including some hands-on time in the lab.
If you’re interested in attending, please RSVP to Meg (margaret.grant@gmail.com) or Jeff (jeffrey.klassen@mail.mcgill.ca) so we have an idea how many people to expect and how many lunches to order. If you could include a comment about why you might be interested in eye movements it would be very helpful.
Friday, August 29th – pizza lunch to welcome new graduate students!
12:30–2pm in the department lounge, please RSVP to Andria De Luca
Friday, August 29th – FestEval (graduate students present their Eval papers)
Tentative Program, to be held (tentatively) in Linguistics 117:
14.00-14.30 Hye-young Bang: An articulatory, acoustic and aerodynamic account of English alveolar fricative acquisition in different vowel contexts
14.30-15.00 Gui Garcia: Stress and gradient weight in Portuguese
15.00-15.15 Short Intermission with refreshments15.15-15.45 Dan Goodhue: The contradiction contour and the interpretation of yes-no responses.
15.45-16.15 Oriana Kilbourn: Almost: scope and covert exhaustification16.15-16.45 Marzieh Mortazavinia: Nuclear Stress Assignment in Persian, revisited