Sara Mackenzie (Memorial University), and Erin Olson, Meghan Clayards & Michael Wagner (McGill) presented a poster a poster on the production and perception of the allophones of /l/ in English at the 7th North American Phonology Conference at Concordia this week: “The Role of Allophonic Variation in Speech Segmentation”. They will also present this project as a poster at Labphon in Stuttgart later this summer.

Recent MA student Akiko Shimada and Heather Goad will present ‘The special status of Blackfoot /s/’ at the 20th Manchester Phonology Meeting in May.

Jessica Coon and Lisa Travis are both invited speakers at the ergativity-themed first Cambridge Comparative Syntax Conference (CamCoS 1) in Cambridge, UK May 18–19th.  Jessica’s talk is titled “Taking ergativity’ out of split ergativity: A structural account of aspect and person splits”. Lisa will present “When a language becomes or ceases to be ergative”.

Erica Yoon (Cognitive Science honours) and Junko Shimoyama are presenting a joint paper titled ‘Investigation of the scope of negation and quantifiers in Korean’ at the 8th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics at the University of Stuttgart (WAFL 8, May 18-20, 2012).