This week’s syntax-semantics reading group meeting will take place Friday, October 8th at 2:30pm. Zoë Belk will be presenting joint work with Kriszta Eszter Szendrői, “Word order in Contemporary Hasidic Yiddish”.


Abstract: Yiddish has been variously argued to be an OV language with innovative VO effects, a VO language with remnants of OV characteristics, and even as a mixed VO-OV language where the verb has the ability to govern its nominal object in both directions. Based on novel Contemporary Hasidic Yiddish data, we propose that, whatever the correct analysis of historical varieties of the language, Contemporary Hasidic Yiddish is unequivocally VO. We enumerate the remnant OV characteristics and provide an analysis for them that is compatible with an underlying VO syntax of the VP. Specifically, we show that, unlike historical varieties of the language, Contemporary Hasidic Yiddish does not allow true scrambling while retaining A-bar scrambling for contrastive topicalised or focused constituents; complex predicate formation remains verb final while the VP itself is head initial; and weak pronominal objects are restricted to a position right adjacent to the finite verb, a fact which is orthogonal to the issue of word order in the VP itself.