Katya Morgunova and Terrance Gatchalian (McGill) will be presenting a talk “Intentive aspect, Purposives, and their Results in Kanien’kéha.” The meeting will take place on Monday, September 30 at 3pm in Room 002 of the McGill linguistics department. Their abstract is below:
While existing work on Northern Iroquoian universally acknowledges the distinction between state and event verbs, some works also posit the existence of the third lexical class — the motion verbs. This class is distinguished by its unique compatibility with the so-called intentive aspect. Motion verbs can be further subdivided into lexical ones and the ones derived with the use of the purposive prefix. In this talk, we look at the differences between these two subclasses and what they tell us about the meaning of the intentive aspect and the purposive suffix.
Online participants can join using this link: https://mcgill.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvfu6orzIrHtEHSdthyymSx50ZHxlHqvwu.