Austin Kraft (McGill) will be presenting a talk “Generalizing measurement in Javanese.” The meeting will take place on Monday, December 2 at 3pm in Room 002 of the McGill linguistics department. Austin’s abstract is below:
Javanese (Malayo-Polynesian) allows numerals in pre- and post-nominal position. I propose that numeral position tracks a measurement/individuation distinction: among DPs containing numerals, those with pre-nominal numerals denote measurement, and those with post-nominal numerals do not. Javanese numeral morphosyntax offers overt evidence for Landman’s (2004) hypothesis that numerals lead double lives in natural language: they can denote properties of individuals or numerical primitives. This work builds on longstanding Javanese descriptions (Horne 1961, Soemarmo 1979) while furthermore considering DPs with pre-nominal numerals but no readily conventionalized measurement unit. I present data that pose challenges for past accounts of numeral alternations: the alternations are not semantically vacuous, nor are they a reflex of definiteness (cf. Syed 2020 for the closely related Madurese patterns) or of a mass/count distinction (contra Ishizuka 2008). Among its implications, the compositional approach here bears on the syntactic and semantic formation of complex numerals (Ionin and Matushansky 2006).
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