This week will be the last syntax-phonology reading group before the SIRG workshop, which beings this Sunday, May 6th. Again we will have a longer session with a break, and discuss the following papers:
- Sasha Simonenko and Maire Noonan will present Øystein Vangsnes‘ “Syncretism and functional expansion in Germanic wh-expressions” and parts of “The polyfunctionality of which in Övdalian” (contact Maire for the paper)
- Mike Hamilton will present Richard Compton and Christine Pittman‘s (2010) “Word-formation by phase in Inuit” Lingua 120.
- Aron Hirsch will present Jonathan Bobaljik‘s (in press) “Universals in comparative morphology: Suppletion, superlatives and the structure of words” [PDF from his website]. Aron will present material found throughout chapters 1–5, but suggests reading the summary at the beginning of chapter 5 if you don’t have time to get through all of it.
When: Thursday 5/3, 10:00–1:00
Where: Linguistics 117