Grad student news
Anouk Dieuleveut will go to NASSLLI (North American Summer School on Logic, Language, and Information), this summer at Rutgers. In the fall, she’ll start the PhD program at the University of Maryland––congratulations Anouk!
Donghyun Kim will be presenting a talk with Meghan Clayards at the Korean Society of Speech Sciences titled “Individual differences in the relation between perception and production and mechanisms of phonetic imitation. Also, he will be presenting a poster with Meghan Clayards and Heather Goad at LabPhon 15 titled “Individual differences in second language speech perception across tasks and contrasts”.
Undergraduate news
Eva Portelance received the ARIA award to work with Professor Andrew Piper at the .txtlab@McGill this summer. The lab specializes in the use of computational and quantitative methods to study literary and cultural phenomena. She is currently working on a project which explores the possibility of teaching a computer to read literature. She is designing algorithms using concepts from syntax and semantics for the computer to extract meaning. The core goal is to have the computer predict narrative shifts and their type in novels from different genres and eras.