PhD student Laurestine Bradford and Dzéiwsh James Crippen travelled to Teslin, Yukon (Tlingit: Deisleen [tèːslìːn]) for two weeks in July. They worked with fluent Tlingit speakers Sam Johnston and Margaret Bob on Tlingit verb semantics. The elicitation sessions focused on event culmination, perfective and imperfective aspect, and pluractionality. The trip was supported by a McGill Graduate Mobility Award and a Jacobs Research Fund grant.

MA student Zlata Odribets spent two weeks in Wrangell, Alaska conducting fieldwork on Tlingit with Dzéiwsh James Crippen. They investigated the occurrence of the d– prefix in Tlingit passives, antipassives, and middles. Their work has also resulted in the creation of language materials that can be used by Tlingit language learners going forward.

Jessica Coon spent two weeks in Chiapas, Mexico working on clausal pied-piping and animacy restrictions in Ch’ol with collaborator Juan Jesús Vázquez Álvarez (CIMSUR-UNAM).

Brandon Chaperon spent 5 weeks in Saint-Louis, Senegal conducting fieldwork on Wolof for his M.A. thesis on the Causative-Applicative syncretism.