McGill Linguists presented work this summer in various conferences, including:
Les Francais d’Ici held at University of Moncton, Shippagan, New Brunswick
Jeanne Brown & Morgan Sonderegger: Une étude sociophonétique de la voix craquée en français laurentien
Massimo Lipari, Peter Milne, & Morgan Sonderegger: Les « données trouvées » et la variation phonétique en français québécois

LabPhon 19 held at Hanyang University in Seoul, South Korea
Connie Ting, Meghan Clayards: Cross-linguistic differences in the production and perception of consonant and vowel intrinsic F0 effects
Weiyi Zhai, Meghan Clayards: Individual Differences in the Use of Phonetic and Lexical Context Across Tasks
Jeanne Brown, Morgan Sonderegger: Creaky voice variation across language and gender in Canadian English-French bilingual speech
Wei Zhang, Meghan Clayards, Morgan Sonderegger: Qualitive differences in Mandarin tone imitation between Mandarin and English speakers
Massimo Lipari, Morgan Sonderegger, and Meghan Clayards: Cross-linguistic differences in the phonetic implementation of /s/
Irene Smith, Morgan Sonderegger, The Spade Consortium: Exposing the anatomy of articulation rate across English dialects and speakers
Kuilin Li: Speech imitation: Improvement with practice

Not pictured: Nino Grillo
Eurosla 33: Lydia White, Heather Goad, Gui Garcia, Natália Guzzo, Liz Smeets, and Jiajia Su presented a paper at the 33rd meeting of the European Second Language Association (EUROSLA 33), Montpellier, France, July 3-6 2024, on Pronoun interpretation in English: When native speakers ‘misbehave’.

ISBL: Austin Kraft presented a talk “Philippine-type morphology meets Indonesian-type syntax in Simpakng passive infixation” at the inaugural International Symposium on Bornean Linguistics (ISBL), hosted by the National University of Singapore.
AFLA: Austin Kraft presented a talk “Getting specific about Javanese numerals” at the 31st meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA), hosted by the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

SCiL 2024: Amanda Doucette, Ryan Cotterell, Morgan Sonderegger, and Timothy J. O’Donnell presented a paper at the Society for Computation in Linguistics 2024 meeting in Irvine, California, June 27-29, 2024, titled “Correlation Does Not Imply Compensation: Complexity and Irregularity in the Lexicon