P* Group will be meeting on Tuesday, February 4 at 10 am in room 117 of the McGill linguistics department. Andrei will be presenting on some of his work. Andrei’s abstract can be found below:

The traditional model of rule interaction splits crucial rule orderings into four types, accounting for the structural relation (feeding vs bleeding), rule ordering (feeding vs counterfeeding), as well as opacity (Kiparsky, 1976), More recently, it has been shown that this model is an oversimplification, in that it fails to account for a number meaningfully distinct orderings, e.g. fed counterfeeding (Kavitskaya & Staroverov, 2010), while also simultaneously overpredicting and underpredicting opacity (Baković, 2011). In this presentation, I relate the results of a simulation comprising 300 000 two-rule derivations, with the goal of exploring the range of possible rule interactions and opacity therein. The simulated derivations exhibit 9 distinct types of crucial rule ordering, 4 of which, to my knowledge, have gone unmentioned in the literature. 

There will also be a Zoom link open for this meeting at the following link:


Meeting ID: 841 2743 7214

Passcode: 674595