MULL-lab will be meeting this Tuesday, November 1st at 3:30 pm. Meetings will take place in Rm. 002 of the Linguistics department, with a Zoom room open for those unable to join us in person.
This week, Luanéwill be presenting a talk entitled: ‘Exceptives in Javanese and Tagalog’. The abstract is below.
Exceptive constructions express exclusion. In languages with dedicated exceptive markers, these constructions typically consist of an exceptive phrase that excludes an exception from the domain of the associate. In this presentation, I will introduce data from two Austronesian languages – Javanese and Tagalog – and provide an overview of how exceptives operate in these languages. In both languages, exceptives can be connected or free, appearing either directly adjacent or separated from the associate. Both languages also do not allow non-nominal exceptives. Yet preliminary data suggest that, like in many other languages, some free exceptives in these languages are underlyingly clausal. To illustrate this, I look at how exceptives interact with Voice and focus, as well as data investigating ambiguity in sluicing. Finally, I also consider the additional complications that arise from the presence of exceptive-additive markers in Tagalog.
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