Graduating BA Honours student Sara Carrier-Bordeleau is going to work in freelance translation and move to Helsinki (Finland) within the year. She’s also planning to continue to do linguistic research in her spare time and to apply to graduate school in linguistics later on.
BA student Paulina Elias received a Social Equity ARIA fellowship to spend this summer working with Jessica Coon on an ongoing collaborative project between McGill University and Universidad del Valle de Guatemala to document and analyze Chuj, a Mayan language spoken in Guatemala and Mexico.
BA Honours student Lydia Felice has finished her thesis on alternations between free state and construct state nominals in Kabyle (Berber), and will be entering the theoretical linguistics PhD program at Georgetown University in the fall.
Fiona Higgins, BA Honours linguistics student, is doing a summer research project through the Arts Internship Research Award program with Heather Goad on the perception of /s/ in hearing impaired children.
Martha Schwarz is graduating from the MA program this year, and will be moving to California to start a PhD at UC Berkeley in the fall. In late May she will go to the Manchester Phonology Meeting (25mfm) at the University of Manchester to give a talk based on her MA thesis, titled “Nepali laryngeal contrasts: voiced aspirates and laryngeal realism.”
BA student Eva Portelance will be graduating and then heading to Stanford in the fall to start a PhD in Linguistics. Her honours thesis was entitled Scrambling on the move: Lithuanian, free word order and minimalism. She will also be presenting her research on the prediction of narrative frames in novels, which she started during her ARIA internship last year, at the Digital Humanities 2017 conference in August.