McGill linguists of past and present gathered at UT Austin last week for the 9th Conference on Indigenous Languages of Latin America (CILLA IX). Presentations by current affiliations included:

  • Scott Anderbois (Brown), Miguel Oscar Chan Dzul (U Oriente), Jessica Coon (McGill), Juan Jesús Vázquez Álvarez (CIMSUR-UNAM): Las construcciones relativas “superlibres” en lenguas mayas [“Super-free” relative constructions in Mayan languages]
  • Justin Royer (McGill): La distribución de los sufijos de categoría en chuj y la interfaz entre sintaxis y prosodia [The distribution of status suffixes in Chuj and the syntax–prosody interface]

The full program is available here.

Cora Lesure (BA ’16), Lauren Clemens (Post-Doc ’14–’15), Jessica Coon, Justin Royer, Robert Henderson (Post-Doc ’13–’14)