Ling-Tea, fomerly known as Ling-Lunch, will take place this semester Wednesdays 3–4 in room 117. This first sessions of the semester will be devoted to reading and discussing papers by our phonology job candidates. Here are details of the first Ling-Tea, which will focus on work by Anne Pycha, will visit the department January 19th and 20th (details to come).
Date: Wednesday 1/11, 3–4pm
Location: 1085 Dr. Penfield, room 117
Paper: Pycha, Anne. 2010. A test case for the phonetics-phonology interface: Gemination restrictions in Hungarian. Phonology 27:119-152. [PDF]
Beginning 2/8, Ling-Tea will be open for regular, informal presentations and discussions of work and work in progress. Please email organizers Galit Agmon and Rachel Borden to sign up.