McLing is happy to report on some new research grants awarded to department faculty members over the past year:
- Charles Boberg was awarded a SSHRC Insight Development Grant entitled “A New Survey of Canadian English: Fifty Years of Language Change”. This grant is “a partial replication of the Survey of Canadian English of 1972, which will allow us to examine how Canadian English has changed over two generations and how it continues to change and vary today.”
- Heather Goad and Lydia White received a SSHRC Insight Grant entitled “Prosodic effects in L2 grammars: Extending the Prosodic Transfer Hypothesis”
- Siva Reddy received an FRQNT New Academics Grant, titled “Investigating hallucinations in knowledge-grounded conversational models”
- Junko Shimoyama (PI) and Keir Moulton(Co-PI, U. Toronto), together with collaborators Sabine Iatridou (MIT) and Yusuke Kubota (NINJAL), received a SSHRC Insight grant titled “Diversity in embedding strategies: what under-represented languages can tell us”
Congrats all!