Fieldwork in Senegal

Martina Martinović and Brandon Chaperon spent 5 weeks in Senegal conducting fieldwork on Wolof. Here they are in St. Louis with two language...
June 11, 2023

Jessica Coon at UCSD and NYU

Jessica gave colloquium talks at UCSD and NYU last week. The title of the talk was "Agreement restrictions through feature gluttony", the abstract...
February 6, 2023

Martinović Igala grants

Congrats to Martina Martinović, who received an FRQSC grant and a SSHRC Insight Development Grant to continue her work on the Volta-Niger language Igala.
September 2, 2022

David Shanks to Whitehorse

MA student David Shanks traveled to Whitehorse, Yukon to conduct fieldwork with speakers of Dän k'è' (Southern Tutchone, Dene/Athabaskan) in June. Over two weeks, David...
August 22, 2022